Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Puppy Class #2

Last night was the first night for all the puppies to attend puppy class! Nova is the only big puppy there - the rest are tiny lapdogs. Nova did most of the barking! She was very uncomfortable in class around the other puppies. She laid under our bench for much of class. I think it is because we have kept her away from most other dogs since she is not yet vaccinated.

When Nova was finally let off leash (last one) she investigated everyone and even invited one of the other puppies to play! However she was too big and her play barks too scary for that puppy - he ran and hid behind his humans. She also got to meet the trainer's adult collie.

Nova is doing just fine with the training exercises in class. She is even the demo dog sometimes because it is easier to see what is going on compared to the lapdogs. We need to work on her paying attention to us and remaining calm when there are lots of distractions!

1 comment:

Bailey said...

I think she'll be much more confident next Monday, it was just the first day! Besides, she's a German Shepherd - they like to stay on the outside and watch everything that's going on - they're "protectors"

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